Recommended Workflow

Import of code lists and preparation of conversion parameter

All conversions require reference data. It is recommended to create a new file, to import the reference data and to store this as a starting point for subsequent conversions.

For the conversion of 108.1 data to IRS 90918-10 data will usually be done for the own data only. It is recommended to use the filers for the station import and to import only stations from countries where these stations are needed.

The additional conversion parameter, especially the fare templates can also be added in this file. his file can then be copied for all conversions from 108.1 to 90918-10. Validate and complete the conversion parameter using the validation from the context menu on the parameters.

Conversion 108.1 to IRS 90918-10

To convert open a copy of the file that contains the reference data any your conversion parameter. Use the import function for 108.1 data and select the TCV file. All other 108.1 files must be located in the same directory.

import <b>108.1</b> data Import legacy data from the 108.1 format.
convert Convert the data.
export 90918-10 data Export 90918-10 data.

Conversion IRS 90918-10 to 108.1

To convert open a copy of the file that contains the reference data any your conversion parameter. Use the import function for 90918-10 data to import the JSON file.

import 90918-10 data Import OSDM data.
convert Convert the data.
export 108.1 data Export legacy data in the 108.1 format.