Parameters required for the conversion of 90918-10 data
Convert Fare Descriptions
Fare description will be converted into TCVP fare entries. For each different fare description a different
fare table will be created.
Convert Service Constraint
Service constraints will be converted into TCVP fare entries. For each different fare description a
different fare table will be created.
Convert the data.
Conversion has the following steps:
Convert stations into legacy stations
Convert fare reference sets into legacy stations and assign the fare reference code to the included stations -
in case a station belongs to multiple fare reference set only on code can be used in the legacy data.
Select fares to be converted
only fares with service classes B and D are converted
only the fare with a regional validity in one direction is used (using the one with the lower departure
station code in case of transit and station-station series)
only fares that indicate conversion allowed
only ADULT fares
only fares without reduction constraints
only fares with a simple sales availability (from-to-date)
Convert each selected fare to one series and one route fare
Convert the regional constraint into a series
The regional validity must have one and only one route description, no zone, no polygon - otherwise there is no
The regional validity must have not more than 5 via stations between departure and arrival - otherwise there
is no conversion
Convert the price into a route fare - merge the prices from service class B and D into one route fare
Depending on the conversion parameters the fare description for the fare tables are added.
Create TCVL entry for series of fares with combination model SEPARATE_TICKET
adjust series number in case no legacy accounting codes were available
replace old conversion results by the new ones
Export to legacy files
The export creates the TCV files and exports the legacy data from the conversion.
The length of data elements in the legacy might exceed the fixed size of the legacy
text files. In this case the element will be truncated and an error displayed in the console view.
Legacy Series - converted from OSDM regional validity - export to TCVS
Legacy Separate Contract Series - converted from OSDM fulfillment constraint - export to TCVL
Legacy Distance Fares - not used
Legacy Route Fares - converted from OSDM regional validity - export to TCV price table
Legacy Stations - - converted from OSDM station details an service constraint legacy codes - export to TCVG
Legacy Fare descriptions - converted from fare text - export to TCVP
Legacy Memos - converted from fare detail description - export to TCVM